Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Sunday morning, in all it's glory.

It is a Sunday morning. 
I am up before anyone else, because it is the only way I get to enjoy some me-time that way. 
I saw sun rays forming a lovely hue of orange on my walls.

I took a peek off my big front door.
That was when I saw the perfect morning sun,
rising bright and strong.

I take comfort in good weather on weekends. 
There is so much we could do,
with the sun so fine.
But first, the work of a housewife beckons loud and clear in the morning.

I always take a peek at my motivation and also the "source" of my never-ending housework.
There they were, all limbs spread out like a crab,
sleeping so snugly like newborn babies. 

The laundry was screaming "sort, wash, hand, fold ME"
All two loads of them.
I pressed the buttons of a quick rinse and wash and let it run in the background.

I picked up a couple of toys streamed on the floor from the kitchen to the playroom,
Some days I am lucky not to sleep with toys under my pillow.
Into the toys trays they go for just a short while,
and out they come out again when the boys awake.

Ah, some me-time for an hour or so,
before the laundry is done and needs to be hung,
before the boys are awake and breakfast needs to be made,
before the boys scream my attention every half a minute.

That is just about how, my Sunday morning went. 

1 comment:

  1. This is very inspiring!

    I always could not get up early on Sunday. Though I need to wash the leftover dishes, clean the house, fold laundry, sip coffee, go market, return for more cleaning and refrigerate those food...Oh, I better go back to sleep!
