Saturday, August 3, 2013

365 days, 524 recipes kept in a vintage recipe box.

Most of my Foodie Friday posts have been about... Food! This week, I take a break from sharing what is cooked or brewed in the kitchen. Instead I would like to share something I recently bought that goes into the kitchen, is food-related, and is absolutely gorgeous!

When I first saw this recipe box from Typo, I knew I had to get my hands on it for sure. The rustic wood, the pink stencilled on fonts, and the whole vintage feel was just my kind of thing to house my favourite recipes.

Now I am thinking, I should re-watch Julie and Julia and perhaps embark on a 365 days, 524 recipes and 1 tiny apartment challenge. You think my pretty vintage recipe box can hold that many recipes?

"I love that after a day when nothing is sure, and when I say 'nothing' I mean nothing, you can come home and absolutely know that if you add egg yolks to chocolate and sugar and milk, it will get thick. It's such a comfort." 
--Amy Adams as Julie Powell
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  1. It's a very gorgeous box indeed! And I can't believe that it's from typo (as in it looks so whimsical and vintage).

  2. It looks sooo vintage! ^^ I like the colors that was used in creating it! Definitely attractive!

    Yee Mei

  3. I have that book! Haven't start reading it yet :P

    And you sure that box is enough to keep all your recipes?
